Steve Linton

Steve Linton has been involved close to 20 years at Healing Transitions, initially on the board level and helping out with business plans and then began leading the Solutions class at the men’s and women’s campuses. Through his classes, his intent is to offer discussions on problems/issues as they relate to recovery, encouraging participants to…

Derek Jones

Derek Jones, an alumnus of the Healing Transitions program, continues to give back in meaningful ways. He employs individuals currently in the program at his business, sponsors men in their recovery journey, and plays a key role in the culinary planning for our annual Recovery Champions’ Gratitude Dinner. In his interview, Derek shared, “Giving back…

NC State Extension Master Gardeners

Listen in as we talk to Christine Wagner and Cris Clemmons, members of the NC State Extension Master Gardener Program, who have been volunteering at Healing Transitions for 10 years. They visit both campuses to tend to the gardens, working hands-on with participants and teaching them how to maintain a garden year-round and utilize compost.…


Adam Cohen and Cooper Heins, founders of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit ArtGivers, have a mission to make the healing power of original art available to more people in more places. They purchase art from emerging artists and donate it to mission-driven organizations, including free and charitable medical clinics, shelters, and drug rehab centers. ArtGivers’ artwork is…