Among the many ways you can support Healing Transitions is to become a Recovery Champion. Our Recovery Champions are a select group of individuals, businesses, and foundations who represents our most committed leaders in giving to Healing Transitions. They’re responsible for driving major annual fund donations and building a community where long-term recovery can flourish. Ultimately, their generosity of $5,000* or more opens the doors to recovery and allows us to be an anchor of dignity and hope to our community’s most underserved.


If you’re ready to take your support to the next level, we encourage you to make a donation today or contact the development team to learn more.


As a Recovery Champion, you are the key to ensuring our doors are open as many times as it takes, no matter what. The work we do, the lives we touch, and the difference we are making together is only possible because of your investment. And we want to honor your transformational generosity with tokens of our appreciation.

Here are just a few of the perks you’ll enjoy as a Recovery Champion:

  • Annual Gratitude Dinner invitation
  • Annual report acknowledgment
  • Campus plaque recognition
  • Exclusive participant-led campus tour
  • Oakwood24 sponsorship

*Additional tokens may be offered depending on the level of your gift, including but not limited to custom participant artwork and priority leadership updates.


Thank you to the following group of Recovery Champions who have led our giving community over the last several years. Our gratitude knows no bounds!

4 Others Foundation

Aesthetic Solutions, PA

AJ Fletcher Foundation

Ammon Foundation

Ann C. & C. Hamilton Sloan Foundation

Archway Institute for Mental Health

Bell Shaefer Family Fund

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina

Bob Barker Company

Bob Barker Company Foundation

Central National Gottesman Foundation

Charlie’s Fund

City of Raleigh

Coastal Credit Union

Concept 8, LLC

Cotton Custom Homes, Inc.

Cripps Foundation

Cynthia & George Mitchell Foundation

Donald & Sylvia Perkins Living Trust

Dr. & Mrs. John Plachetka

Dr. & Mrs. Richard I. Hayes

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bilbro

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Moss

Dr. Jerry Bernstein

Duke Health

Fowler Family Foundation

Gilbane Building Company SE Division

Harris Family Charitable Fund

Hawthorne Residential Partners

Hayes Family Foundation

HT Stormwater Management

KGR Foundation

Lane & Associates, Inc.

Leon Levine Foundation

Matt Gorga Giving Fund

Morris and Associates

Mr. & Mrs. Austin Koon

Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Joyner

Mr. & Mrs. Bo Mauzy

Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Barbee

Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Sewell

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Silver

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wagner

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Matton

Mr. & Mrs. David Holton

Mr. & Mrs. David Sousa

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Barber

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Pierce

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Chadwick

Mr. & Mrs. J. Fielding Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Elliott

Mr. & Mrs. James Day

Mr. & Mrs. James Goodmon

Mr. & Mrs. James Y. Kerr

Mr. & Mrs. Jeb Jeutter

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kenny

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Rogers

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Szulik

Mr. & Mrs. Michael

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Farasy

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Painter

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Trageser

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Walsh

Mr. & Mrs. Mitch McCaskell

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Becker

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Meares

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Scott

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherwood

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kirkland

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rice

Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Tweeten

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lochbaum

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sayre

Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hoyt

Mr. & Mrs. William Cavanaugh

Mr. Blake Harris

Mr. Chris Budnick

Mr. Clifford Zinner

Mr. Dwight Clark

Mr. Greg Carr

Mr. Jesse White

Mr. Michael Kirkman

Mr. Philip Wheeler

Mr. Richard Cavallaro

Mr. Steve Chase

Mr. Timothy Edwards

Mr. Todd McGowan

Mr. Walter Tims

Mr. William Riddick

Mrs. Ann Alley

Mrs. Evelyn Barber

Mrs. Kaitlin Szulik-Wicker

Ms. Angela Joyner

Ms. Catherine McConnell

Ms. Elizabeth Greene

Ms. Elizabeth Lucas

Ms. Kenie Wrenn

Ms. Lisa Weber

Ms. Marion Church

Ms. Melissa Murray

Ms. Nicole Stewart

Ms. Pauline Leveille

Ms. Peggy Forsyth

Ms. Rebecca Palmer

Ms. Susan Jackson

Ms. Suzanne Schaefer

Ms. Suzanne Whitmeyer

Mustard Seed Fund

Nancy Wright Foundation

North Carolina Community Foundation

North Raleigh United Methodist Church

Pinnacle Bank

Pylon, Inc.

Raleigh East Concrete Construction, LLC

Runologie, LLC

Slotta Global Mission

Starfish Fund

Susan Gravely & Bill Ross Charitable Giving Fund

Temple Sloan Family Foundation

The Beth & Lee Williams Foundation

The Estate of Jean Ellis Potter

The Robert Newcomb Family Fund

Thomas M. Harward Jr. Estate

Triangle Builders Guild, LLC

Triangle Community Foundation, Inc

Truist Contributions

UNC Health Care System

Wake County

Wake County ABC Board

White Memorial Presbyterian Church

William C. Ethridge Foundation


In the spring of 2023, after formalizing our major donor program, we were thrilled to provide our leaders in giving with the appreciation they deserve by honoring them with an inaugural Gratitude Dinner, and the night was magical!


Alumni and staff served (and then joined) this mission-minded group for an evening of celebration and inspiration. Our thanks goes to Board Chair Evelyn Booker, Silver Chippers Gina and Zack Martin, and Keynote Speaker Thomas Sayre for sharing their stories of service, long-term recovery, and the healing power of art.


We’re excited to continue this tradition annually and induct new major donors in the years to come. Thank you for championing recovery for all!

Thank you for championing recovery for all!