2023 Annual Report
Standing in the gap.


Chris Budnick, Executive Director

Each spring as I sit down to write this letter, I’m amazed at how much we’ve accomplished in a year. I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for our loyal champions and dedicated staff who make our mission possible. And, for a fleeting moment, I cling to the possibility that the coming year will get a bit easier. But then I remember…we didn’t sign up for easy.

There’s nothing easy about addiction or recovery. And with a mission to offer innovative peer-based, recovery-oriented services to homeless, uninsured, and underserved individuals with alcoholism and other drug addictions, our line of work will never be easy.



TOTAL REVENUE – $7,490,395*

TOTAL EXPENSES – $7,352,691

*Excess revenues were used to help offset prior-year deficit.


*Unduplicated persons – to accurately report how many people we serve, we count a participant only once,
no matter how many direct services he/she/they received in a year.


Addiction affects everyone in the orbit of a loved one battling the disease. And miraculously, so does recovery.

Jake and his close-knit family were faced with the terrifying reality of addiction not long ago. His mother, Teresa, remembers knowing there were problems, but not knowing her son’s problems were rooted in a drug addiction. It took her a long time to realize what was really going on.

After Jake’s second overdose, Teresa and her husband were unsure of how to help their son. Feelings of hopelessness and despair started setting in. Teresa remembers the season her ‘spark’ for life and her joy disappeared, seemingly never to return. She knew their family needed help and she knew they couldn’t do it alone.

Windi White, Development Director


“When I reflect on 2023, I think of how Healing Transitions stepped into the gap for our most vulnerable neighbors when they had nowhere else to turn. Many of our staff are program alumni and understand the unique challenges and barriers people face when they’re at their lowest point. Our staff does whatever it takes to save lives. We dig deeper, love bigger, keep showing up, and provide the glimmer of hope for a full life. As many times as it takes, we show up as a team to provide a safe place for recovery, because our driving force is dignity for all.”


To each of our 1,947 generous donors (949 of whom were first-time givers), “thank you” doesn’t begin to reflect our immense gratitude! To our 100+ community partners (including healthcare providers, first responders, employers, nonprofit partners, educational programs, and criminal justice, recovery, faith, fitness and housing organizations), we thank you! To our countless volunteers, including our capital campaign steering and honorary committee members, we thank you! And to our staff members, leadership teamBoard of Directors, and Board of Trustees, we thank you! Without you, we could not move our mission forward. We are beyond grateful for your support and commitment.

To our Recovery Champions – ​​our leaders in giving – our gratitude knows no bounds!