You may have seen Jackie’s work when you’re walking through downtown Raleigh at her public-facing art studio at Artspace. Or maybe you’ve heard some of the inspiring conversations she’d had with other career-minded artists on her podcast, the Level Up Artist Podcast. But what you might not have known about her is her heart for the work Healing Transitions does every day, offering recovery support services to men and women throughout the Triangle.


“Much of my work right now is aimed at breaking the stigma of addiction through art,” she said. “We all have something we’re battling. Being able to feel the benefits of using art to help us become more present, more mindful, and more centered is beneficial for everyone, no matter what they’re facing.”


Healing Transitions shares Jackie’s passion for breaking down barriers, and it was this mutual philosophy that initially connected Jackie to the organization through its annual “Art of Recovery” fundraiser, a creative arts event in the community focused on raising funds for the non-profit’s recovery services through partnership with local artists.


“That event was absolutely incredible,” she recalled. “Putting a face to addiction is so powerful, and I really want to continue to help bridge the gap between the idea of what people think addiction looks like – and what it actually looks like. We are all each other’s neighbor, and when we can use art as a vehicle to unite people, like we did at the Art of Recovery event, it was super powerful.”


Today, Jackie continues to support Healing Transitions by donating a portion of all the proceeds from her art to the organization’s Long-Term Recovery Program.


“While I don’t struggle with addiction, the larger mission of Healing Transitions is one that’s very near and dear to my heart,” she shared. “I know several individuals who are fighting their battle with addiction at various stages, and this feels like one small way I can help support them in their recovery journey.”


Jackie’s art is full of geometric shapes, bold colors and cheerful designs. As an abstract painter and muralist, she’s found myriad ways to share her life through art that, in her own words, “transforms life’s mundane moments into memorable experiences.” 


Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, this successful career artist said she’s always been drawn toward bright colors and eye-catching patterns. She studied art at Virginia Tech, completing her BA in Studio Art, a BFA in Art History, and her MFA in Material Culture and Public Humanities.


So, what’s next for this adventurous artist?


“2024 is shaping up to be a very exciting year. In addition to doing some more large-scale outdoor murals, I’m also focused on creating a new body of work and traveling to find inspiration at art galleries around the country which has been a lot of fun!”


Jackie shared her gratitude for finding herself in a place in her life and career where she can give back to organizations like Healing Transitions who are changing the lives of her neighbors in need.


“Healing Transitions is an amazing organization and incredible resource for our community,” she said. “A big part of my goals for this year are to continue finding new ways to collaborate with Healing Transitions to help further their work in any way that I can. Hopefully, through my art, I can spread awareness about the need for recovery services and the valuable work you’re doing every day in our community.”


To learn more about Jackie or stay connected with her work, you can visit her website at