At the age of 37, Travis Hill is a testament to the transformative power of healing and recovery. His life before coming to Healing Transitions was a whirlwind, trapped in the throes of drug addiction and drug dealing.

Travis can trace his addictive tendencies back to high school when he was dependent on marijuana, which soon spiraled into an alcohol and meth addiction. To support his addiction, he started dealing, and his unhealthy cycle spun out of control.

“My life was completely lost. I was lost. I was trying to fill a void, an emptiness that seemed impossible to mend.”

Travis was arrested on federal charges and court-ordered to go to Healing Transitions. Though he was not at Healing Transitions on his own volition, Travis knew that Healing Transitions was a better option than prison. 

Travis found healing in the refuge of Healing Transitions to fill the void of emptiness by embracing the program step by step with the guidance of staff members and mentors who played a crucial role in his journey. Eric Norman, a former participant in the program, became Travis’s sponsor. Eric taught Travis to “play the tape all the way out” to consider the consequences for himself and the people he loves while making a decision.

Travis is now officially Silver Chipper #975. He has a home, a fiancée, dogs, and a circle of friends who care for him. Travis has embraced a life he once thought impossible, and says that if it can happen to him, it can happen for anyone.

Today, Travis lives out his Recovery Life working in maintenance at the men’s campus to care for the refuge of Healing Transitions every day and enjoys friendship with many of his colleagues.

“Before I came into Healing Transitions, a lot of people were only hanging around me to get and to use me for whatever they could get out of me. Today, I have people call me up and say, ‘Hey, how are you doing?’ And I’ve never had that happen in my life until after recovery.”

“I hope to run my own landscaping business, buy a house, and employ others who, like me, need a fresh start. Healing Transitions gave me that opportunity, and I want to pay it forward.”