Freddy Wall

Like so many children who experience abuse and trauma, Freddy started experimenting with drugs and alcohol at an early age as a way to escape the mixed-up emotions of his childhood. “I started smoking weed, and I fell in love with that,” he said. “I was always the kind of kid who hung out with…


When Stephanie Pleasants looks back on her life, she acknowledges,  “There’s no reason why I should be alive today, but Healing Transitions gave me a life to look forward to in recovery. My calling is to provide the hope they gave me. I tried to stop using drugs and alcohol on my own, but now…

Paul Baker

On December 15, 2022, I graduated from Healing Transitions’ long-term recovery program as silver chipper #1000. And even though I’m no better than anyone who’s come before me or who will come after me, being HT’s 1000th silver chipper is pretty darn cool!   I first walked through the doors of Healing Transitions on June…


Bob Goodale. If you’ve been around Healing Transitions for awhile, you know his laugh all too well. And if you’re lucky, you’ve heard a few of his stories. We had the absolute gift to hear Bob’s Story of Healing during his 50th year of sobriety, and he exemplifies Recovery Life to a tee. He gives…


  Meet Trey McBreyer – or better known around HT’s campus – Triple Nickel. He’s Silver Chipper #555 and lives out Recovery Life by giving back to Healing Transitions as a part of our Rapid Responder team. This is Trey’s story of recovery: from the darkness of addiction to the light of healing.   LIFE…


Gina Martin   Meet Gina. This is her story.   In addiction, I was only living to get high. My drug use put such a strain on my family. Eventually, they did not know what to do. Gripped by the worry they were going to get a call that I was dead, our relationship was…


Holly Thomas  Silver Chipper #165   I am so proud of that number: 165. Because I wanted to leave Healing Transitions every day for seven months. But I stuck with it and finished the program. Healing Transitions had become my home and a beacon of light in a dark world.    Addiction was crippling. In…


Jason will celebrate his 10th “recovery-versary” in March 2023. He began using drugs and alcohol in college and eventually started using heroin. He was addicted to heroin for nearly 10 years and ultimately lost his home, his car, his job and his family and spent two years in prison.   His parents had heard about…


William is looking forward to celebrating 20 years of sobriety in September 2022, just in time for National Recovery Month! He has worked as the Planning Room Coordinator, helping to run the operations at Healing Transitions’ men’s campus, since 2011.   He was raised by his grandparents in a small town in North Carolina; he…


Millie Jones will be the first one to tell you that she never thought she’d end up sitting in a jail cell without enough money for bail. She grew up in a stable home, but even though her family relationships were solid, she struggled to keep meaningful relationships with her friends.    “I came from…